It was more of a rant of something recent. Just something to get some thoughts out.

Giggling in the past

I didn’t know before

The dreaded day that I never knew would come

She’d do anything for me

She did everything for me

This is life

[[People are mere puppets until they figure out how to live]]

You were a bitch to everyone

[[but me]]

You were selfish and stingy to everyone

[[but got me everything I wanted]]

You never spoiled anyone ever

[[but you always spoiled me]]

You never got the chance to watch your children grow up

[[but you had me]]

I didn’t realize

She was slowly dying

I know it though

But I knew it was nature

Watching her forget

Asking the same question over and over

I wish she would do that again

I wish she’d just remember me

If you were given a choice

Would you pull the plug or watch her suffer?

Keep telling yourself you want her here

I know what she’d want

I have to be strong

I have to pull the plug

Can’t you see that I have to

You can’t revive her like this

You can’t let her live like this

[[Would you want to live on unicorn blood?]]

The worse part of knowing you…

I never got to say goodbye

I can’t say goodbye now or ever

You’re not there

Physically…but mentally you left me

[[You can’t imagine the tears streaming down]]

I look down at your paper skin

As your heart beats frantically trying

You don’t even know where you are

I stare into your eyes searching for you

You look back at me blankly

You can’t even remember me

Tears stream as I run as far as I can

Your heart is going to fail

I wouldn’t dare revive you

I know you wouldn’t want to remain a veggie

Keeping you here isn’t doing anyone good

This is one of the hardest things for someone to do

To tell someone to not revive their loved one if their heart stops

[[this is my life]]