I am so thrilled to be able to tell everyone that after many years of struggling with various ED's, I do believe I have reached a solid state of recovery. I am a forty three year old woman (turning forty three in a few days!!) and this is the healthiest I have ever been in my entire life. and I am talking about complete health, not just weight restoration, which is happening easily and without struggle. I am talking about the complete lack of medical problems. I am talking about emotional health. harmony in my relationships. joy and pleasure as I eat a variety of yummy foods that nurture my body. joy as I push my body in sports and see my performance improve.

I struggled briefly with restriction in my late teens, which then morphed briefly into BN for a three month period in college. the majority of my ED has been BED/COE. and at my unhealthiest, I was classified as class two obesity. this was at the worst of my COE. I tried moving more and eating healthy. and I did lose weight, but we all know here in the fishbowl that it is not about the weight. I finally had the courage to enter therapy in oh-three, january. and therapy has been the main key to my recovery. I discovered things I had no idea were a problem, and were the roots of my ED. I was always aware of the abuse history, but I had been in denial about the profound neglect and lack of relationship with my biological family. therapy helped me reconnect to members of my family who are healthy, and helped me keep appropriate distance and boundaries from those who still injure me. and it has made all of the difference in the world!

I now cook wholesome, yummy meals on the weekends and freeze in individual portions. I don't diet. I nurture my body with awesome foods. nothing is off limits, yet my new, recovered self craves healthy foods. I have awesome relationships--my husband, my friends and even some of my family members, especially my brother, sister in law and niece and nephew.

I realize now that I was starving for love. STARVING. and I was trying to fill that void with food. and it didn't work. nuturing friendships works. taking the risk of being hurt and pursuing relationships anyway works. I am proof that recovery is possible. at any age.