Like the title says, I am invisible. My sisters hardly talk to me, unless they want a.) money b.) food or c.) shoes. I don't have anything in particular that I would like to talk to them about, but you know a "Hey, what's up? How was your day?" every once in a while wouldn't be so bad. One of my brothers hardly talks to me either, except when he needs the bathroom or the computer. And the other brother talks to me, about t.v and video games, while I attempt to look interested.

My parents? They talk, when they want something done. "Autumn, will you start dinner?" "Autumn, will you run the vacuum?" "Autumn, can you help me clean up my office?" "Autumn, why don't you come outside and help me for a while."

Why doesn't my family talk to me? Am I that horrible to talk to? Something wrong with me? I rode in a car for almost half an hour, just with my mom today, and the only words she said to me were "You changed my radio station, I was listening to that."

I want some recognition for the stuff I do. I hardly ever get a "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

When I lend stuff to my sisters or make them food they give me a "*grunt that sort of sounds like a thanks*"

Ugh. I hate this. Stupid Middle Child Syndrome.

Too eager to please. Although I don't please them. "Mom, I got a 98 on the Bio test today." "Yea, that's good. Alex did awesome on his report card. He improved all his grades.Yadda Yadda Yadda." "Mom, all the laundry is done, dinner is in the oven and the house is vacuumed." "Oh. I have so much to do. The lawn isn't mowed, the car needs oil, my dresser drawers need cleaning out."

Alright, my rant is over.