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  1. #1
    Senior Chatterbox

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    Default The French Connection *may contain spoilers*

    i just saw the episode, saw no official thread. this episode brings up drama in:

    -Ryan & Taylor's lifes

    -Seth & Summer's lifes

    -Julie's life

    -Kaitlin's life

    so yeah. i want your opinions. discuss. drama people.

    Ryan & Taylor's lifes

    it's good to see them finally have some real drama. their couple was doing too good. hopefully ryan and taylor will get back together. but i guess they have to think about themselves, about who they are and what they want.

    Seth & Summer's lifes

    with the engagement, it was bounded to end up badly. we end up with a seth that wants to marry summer and a summer that wants to quit the engagement. and both of them end up deceived.

    Julie's life

    once again she plays the devil, does wrong things and ends up discovered by kirsten. and once again she'll end up alone. how is she gonna make up for it?

    Kaitlin's life

    finally some storyline. and with will (aka chris brown). will she change for him? will she be more affectionate than rebellious for once?

    haha reading up what i post, i look more like an ad for a next episode of The OC than anything else. so people stay tuned for the last 6 episodes of The OC.

  2. #2
    Senior Chatterbox

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    *better review*


    i think they are great together. i do think how taylor tried to present ryan to henri-michel was bad, but i think ryan took it even worse than what it was. he has all the rights to be mad, but to think that they are not good together because taylor is more of a brain than him is a little exagerated. but i guess he needs to figure out what he wants and let some time to taylor to figure out what she wants. i hope that they stick together because they bring fun to the show.


    it was bound to happen that they go separate ways. we all knew summer wasn't really okay with the idea of getting married from day 1 but i think her time passed with the newpsies and all the che appearance helped her realize that she really can't do it right now. and at the same time seth realizes that he truly loves summer and wants her. and as much as he wants to marry her, he's reasonable by staying engaged but waiting a ocuple of years for the actual marriage. it's honestly sad that seth and summer aren't on the same page. hopefully the two will also stick together. also i hope she doesn't go with the french guy. i honestly don't like him.


    julie totally ruined all the trust kirsten had in her. after all she had done, i guess kirsten just got fed up of julie always screwing up everything. hopefully julie will change from this because after all, the only friend she had was kirsten.


    it's good to see kaitlin with a storyline even if it's not a big big one. who knos maybe she'll change for will. not all of her, but maybe a little bit. because for once she clearly states that she likes him and realizes that all her rebellious attitude disappoints him. kind of a cliche relationship though.

    overall, it's an average episode. it's the worst episode of season 4 so far and it's not that bad. this episode sets the tone up for the rest of the season. will taylor and ryan stick together? will seth and summer finally land on the same page? will kirsten forgive julie? and will kaitlin change for the dorkalicious guy? and only 6 episodes left..:(



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