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  1. #1
    Junior Member

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    Default What Type Of Learner Are You?

    Did this at college – don’t click which one you think you are on the poll – do the following. It’ll be interesting to see how many we have of each of LiveWire

    The accuracy of these results depends on how honest you are – there are no right or wrong answers. Tick every statement that you agree with. Mark down each (a), (b), (c) and (d) statement down – the amount of each will help you determine your results.

    1.I like to be absolutely correct about things. (c)

    2.I quite like taking risks. (a)

    3.I prefer solving problems step-by-step rather than guessing. (c)

    4.I prefer simple straightforward things to something complex. (d)

    5.I often do things “just because I like it” rather than thinking about them first. (a)

    6.I don’t often take things for granted; I like to check things for myself. (c)

    7.The most important thing about what you learn is if it works in practice. (d)

    8.I’m always looking for new things to do. (a)

    9.When I hear a new idea, I immediately start thinking how I can work it out. (d)

    10.I am keen on fixed routines and timetables. (c)

    11.I take great care to work things out; I don’t like jumping to conclusions. (b)

    12.I make decisions very carefully; I look at all the possibilities first. (b)

    13.I don’t like “loose-ends”, I prefer to fit into a kind of pattern. (c)

    14.I get straight to the point in discussions. (d)

    15.I like the challenge of new and direct things. (a)

    16.I prefer thinking things through before coming to a conclusion. (b)

    17.I don’t find it easy to think of wild ideas off the top of my head. (c)

    18.I have lots of information – the more I have to sift through the better. (b)

    19.I prefer jumping in and doing things rather than planning in advance. (a)

    20.I tend to judge other people’s ideas on how well they will work in practice. (d)

    21.You can’t make a decision just because it feels right. You have to think about all the facts. (b)

    22.I’m fussy about how I do things – a bit of a perfectionist. (c)

    23.I usually come up with lots if unusual ideas in discussions. (a)

    24.In discussions, I only put forward ideas that I know will work. (d)

    25.I look at problems from as many angles as possible before starting to solve them. (b)

    26.Usually I talk more than listen. (a)

    27.Quite often I work out more practical ways of doing things. (d)

    28.I believe that careful, logical thinking if the key to getting things done. (c)

    29.If I’m writing a formal letter, I try out several drafts first. (b)

    30.I like to consider all my options before making up my mind. (b)

    31.I don’t like creative ideas. They aren’t very practical. (d)

    32.It’s best to look before you leap. (b)

    33.I usually do more listen than talking (b)

    34.I can’t be bothered with rules and plans. They take all the fun away. (a)

    35.It doesn’t matter how you do something as long as it works. (d)

    36.I’m usually the life and soul of the party. (a)

    37.I do whatever I need to do to get the job done. (d)

    38.I like to find out how things work. (c)

    39.I like meetings or discussion to follow a pattern and timetable. (c)

    40.I don’t mind in the least if things get out of hand. (a)

    Now, add up what you have of each letter:

    (a)– ACTIVIST

    (b)– REFLECTOR

    (c)– THEORIST


    ACTIVIST – Do It.

    You are open minded and enthusiastic about new things. You’ll try anything once. Your days are filled with activities. You tackle problems by brainstorming. Once an excitement has died down, you are looking for the next. You are outgoing and like to be the centre of attention.

    PRAGMATIST – Try It.

    You love ideas and ways of doing things. You’re keen to see if theories work in practice. You get impatient if people talk too much rather than getting on with things. You are very practical and down-to-earth. You see problems as a challenge. You’re sure there’s always a better way of doing things. If something works, it must be good.

    THEORIST – Test It.

    You are analytical and love detail. You take a logical, structured approach to everything you do. You’re hardworking and a perfectionist. You enjoy theories and concepts and are quick at pulling together odd bits of information into rational arguments. You don’t like uncertainty and you don’t like anyone being flippant about serious things.

    REFLECTOR – Think It.

    You like to stand back and think before you act. You’re a people person and enjoy watching and listening to others. You’re quiet and thoughtful and like harmony. You like to have a good feel for a subject before talking about it. You look at the big picture and you’re very ordered, calm and thorough.

  2. #2
    Im A Super Member

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    Default Re: What Type Of Learner Are You?

    I got mostly a's: Activist.

    The explanation is correct. hmmm!

  3. #3

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    Default Re: What Type Of Learner Are You?

    THEORIST – Test It.

    You are analytical and love detail. You take a logical, structured approach to everything you do. You’re hardworking and a perfectionist. You enjoy theories and concepts and are quick at pulling together odd bits of information into rational arguments. You don’t like uncertainty and you don’t like anyone being flippant about serious things.

  4. #4
    Senior Newbie

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    Default Re: What Type Of Learner Are You?

    pragmatist, meh i guess so

  5. #5
    Junior Chatterbox

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  6. #6
    Silver Member

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    Default Re: What Type Of Learner Are You?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lana
    THEORIST – Test It.

    You are analytical and love detail. You take a logical, structured approach to everything you do. You’re hardworking and a perfectionist. You enjoy theories and concepts and are quick at pulling together odd bits of information into rational arguments. You don’t like uncertainty and you don’t like anyone being flippant about serious things.

    god what is it with you girls, so dame smart at any school stuff, im that dumb i dont even no what to in this thread lol no022
    It is impossible for any severed individual to experience pain
    Pleasure, memory, dream or thought of any kind
    This young man will be as unfeeling as unthinking as the dead
    Until the day joins them

    I don't know weather I'm alive or dreaming or dead or remembering
    How can you tell what's a dream and what's real
    When you can't even tell when your awake and when your asleep
    Where am I?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What Type Of Learner Are You?


    I didnt they taught that sort stuff in Tasmania:shock:

  8. #8
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