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  1. #1
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    Default I still don't understand marijuana legalization people.

    I'm sure most of you have heard the phrase that the only people who support marijuana legalization are people who smoke it. While that is in fact true, atleast for the most part, I still don't understand the potheads. Sure, they want it to be legal so they can get their fix, and continue using harmful and illegal substances (which wouldn't be illegal if they had their way). Most people are opposed to legalization of illegal drugs, but I just don't get why some people think it's a good idea to make it legal? People who say "it puts innocent people behind bars" are idiots. Innocent people don't use illegal substances. There is no reason for marijuana, or any other illegal drug, to be legalized. You don't want to go to jail? Don't use illegal substances.

    The only legitimate use for illegal drugs is for medical purposes, but if you just want to go get stoned and/or feed your addiction, then it's not okay. And people who say that marijuana is not addictive at all are full of shit. People get addicted to marijuana all the time and they suffer from it, just because you got lucky with a joint once or twice, doesn't mean that everyone is immune to become addicted and/or dependent. I really don't understand marijuana legalization people. No intelligent individual supports and/or endorses an illegal activity, yet a select few uneducated persons seem to support the use of marijuana, which is an illegal activity.
    Last edited by Solace; 18-12-2010 at 03:27 AM.

  2. #2
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    wow great post. Mull smokers of course want to legalize it. but the thing is, its just as harmful to your lungs than cigs. meaning it would cost the government even more for the people that get cancer from it. people say if cigs are legal why not mull, how dumb is that when cigs are just bad for you and Mull ****s you up big time. i used to smoke the shit full on, so i know what it does to you.
    Mull when you first start is yeah, fun because you laugh ya ass of and trip out, then smoking Mull more long term makes games eg: PS2 games more fun with your friends. Mind you, most of the time there your friends only because you smoke Mull...but months later you find your self wanting more, and what happens when you dont get your fix? well you get angry, your moods are pretty much out of control. A long term Mull smoker can feel they do things better like, better at games, i felt i dirt jumped better, the big air felt good, god i even raced a few time on it, i jumped and stuff way better. but yeah i had to give it up because it damaged a nerve, and that was the worst thing ever, thought i was going to die lol, i damaged the nerve next to my heart and brain, and now im on tablets for the rest of my life. altho after giving up i became to release that i raced moto-x and bmx way better than ever before, because of my alertness was back to %100. my dad and family came up to me and said you are looking great, like my face had color, i put on weight, just things while on Mull you never noticed. and god did i feel better, just something Mull smokers wouldnt understand unless you give up.
    For the Mull smokers, yeah smoking is fun, but dont get to the stage that it runs your life. dont lose your real friends to smoke heads, because once you give up, you will have no friends mate thats for sure. give it up, cut it down or what ever, but dont lose your self or life will pass you by without you even realizing it. i think like drinking getting drunk, maybe every weekend thing is good enough. and certainly a NO to legalize it, **** no way lol.
    altho if Mull was legal, it would be grown different, meaning you could grow it your self, that way it would be pure and not laced, a lot better for your brain. you go out and score Mull, you dont know sometimes whats mixed in it, or what substances was used to grow it.
    well thats what its like here in Aus anyway. cheers.

  3. #3

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    Marijuana is addictive, yes. Anyone who says things like "if you try weed then you'll want to try harder drugs" has to realize that regardless of the weed or not, if the person wants to try it; They're still going to.

    Marijuana as a wonderful drug for people who have anxiety and panic attacks. I have anxiety disorder, and I have tried smoking weed before. It calmed my anxiety wonderfully, though I wouldn't do it often.

    Marijuana is also a recreational drug. The reason a lot of people think it shouldn't be legalized is because of the stupid stoner-y people who just sit on their asses and get stoned all day. ;(

  4. #4
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    Speaking as someone who enjoys a couple times a year, I think it should be legalized simply to cut down on the drug dealing and charges that go with it on the streets.

    Think about it;
    If the government would put facilities in place that grow,harvest and package weed for sale, not only would it create thousands of jobs in a dying economy, they could also tax it out the ass and make money on it; also helping the economy.
    Selling whole, natural untampered weed that is readily available like cigarettes also reduces the risk of street dealings where it might be laced with other drugs.

    All they would have to do is impose a 0 tolerance for driving(like with alcohol) and only legally allow people to carry a certain amount on their person otherwise it can be an intent to distribute charge.

    It wouldn't be hard to do, but they just don't want to deal with the controversy which is a pity IMO.

    Also, weed has NO addictive properties in it.
    People get addicted to the high, which can easily be controlled in my experience. People who can't control it should not be smoking it in the first place but not just pot, ANYTHING.
    Cigarettes on the other hand, people become dependent on the nicotine, an ingredient in the actual cigarette.
    Last edited by Shonna; 16-10-2011 at 02:45 AM.

  5. #5

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    The only legitimate use for illegal drugs is for medical purposes,[img]http://www.****************/male1.jpg[/img]

  6. #6

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    Not sure I understand these rants. I know its an old post (the entire forum is old posts... some of you lurkers, join!!!).
    I like having a bit of weed when my friends and I are at the coffee shoppe. Or with my family sometimes. I don't do it at home because we don't have it there, and its more like a social thing. Likewise I enjoy an occasional beer sitting at home on the patio (like now) or when I'm talking with my dad or mum but mostly, its a social thing too, for clubs and time with friends.

    The two are rather much the same, and I did try weed before I was legal age but never really used it beyond trying.



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