Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them ideal diet food

Weight loss is a challenging problem for an increasing amount of people. The American Heart Association estimates that over 145 million are overweight or obese, which puts them at risk for coronary heart disease, diabetes and even fertility problems. Reducing body fat index, or losing weight, is a matter of eating the right foods and engaging in physical activity. While the road to shedding the fat is difficult, it is made easier by following a few simple guidelines.

Eating Habits

1.Eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains and high fiber. All are key to a healthy lifestyle and lower body fat percentage. Protein is especially important, as it helps build muscle.

2. Avoid refined carbohydrates, like sugar, which contribute to body fat.

3. Evaluate your eating habits, as recommended by the Center for Disease Control, in order to improve them. Eating too fast, while watching television, skipping meals and always having dessert can be detrimental to weight loss. Look for things that trigger you to eat, and make plans to avoid them.

4.Institute an eating plan, or schedule. Eating plans can be beneficial, as it leaves less room for unplanned snacking.

5. Drink water. Hydration is important to keep the body functioning properly. It also helps curb the appetite.

6. Cut out sodas entirely. While sodas are tasty, they are also nutritionally empty and full of sugar. Replace sodas with water.


1.Burn calories. In order to rid your body of fat, burn more calories than you take in. Once your diet is under control, engage in regular physical activity.

2. Engage in aerobic physical activity. The CDC recommends two and a half hours of moderate-intensity activity per week. Activities include brisk walking, swimming or yoga.

3.Increase muscle. Muscle strengthening exercises, like weight training, are recommended two or more days a week and should include every major muscle group.

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