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  1. #1

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    Default We need a war on Islam

    Please, actually READ my whole post, instead of replying solely based on the topic title.

    I'm a very tolerant man and I have nothing against the Muslims, in fact, many of them are wonderful people. Unfortunately their religion is one of intolerance, and there are fanatics who believe every word that is in the Qur'an. While there are fanatics of every religion, none of them are quite as dangerous as the Muslim fanatics. The Muslims that hate America and secular democracies are the enemy. We need to make it clear to the Muslims that America and the rest of the free world will NEVER adopt Islam or any other religion.

    If the terrorists then decide to continue trying to force their religious beliefs on others, then we will have to strike back. Most people don't admit it, but people are afraid of the Muslims. Muslims seem to think it's okay to stone your daughter to death if she has a non-Muslim boyfriend and to blow up buildings full of people over jokingly insulting Mohamed. You see the media, take South Park for instance, make jokes about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and all other religions. But Islam? Hell no. We have allowed the terrorists to do what they want, they want to incite terror, and that's what they're doing. They're making us afraid of them, and so we're giving them the very thing they want, fear.

    In Europe they are opening up Sharia Courts that enforce Muslim Sharia Law. To the Muslims, Islam isn't just a religion, it's a way of life. A buddy of mine works with two Muslims, and he says that they always jokingly give him heck about being Christian and so he jokingly said something bad about Islam one day, and he says they went berserk and acted as if they'd been kicked in the nuts they were so mad. In the Qur'an it states that it IS okay to worship other religions, but by doing so you have to become a second class citizen and pay tribute. As you can see, hate and intolerance are deeply rooted into the founding documents of Islam itself.

    When it comes to Muslims, they are always a Muslim first. Even many of the Muslims in America and other Western countries are Muslims first, and Americans second, that's just how they think. I'm not saying we should judge another culture using our own standards, because that's not the case. The normal Muslims are too scared to stand up against the fanatics, which is one of the reasons the Middle East has so many problems. Again, we need to make it clear to the world that the Western world will ALWAYS be secular, and if they can't accept that and try to force their religion on us, then we will have to retaliate accordingly. I'm not calling for a crusade, I'm calling for an end to the hostilities that religious fanatics harbor towards other religions and towards America.

  2. #2

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    Lol no we don't need a war on Islam. Islam just needs a reformation. That is all.

    ---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

    And oh yeah. When i was Muslim I was always American first. I used to say i was an American Muslim.

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    something needs to be done about afghanistan, or are they Muslims to?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BoYkA View Post
    something needs to be done about afghanistan, or are they Muslims to?
    lol, the only thing that needs to be done in muslim countries like that is seperate "church" from "state". in other words abolish Sharai Law. Why do you think muslims in america aren't as exterme as muslims in the middle east? because muslims in the middle east can justify it because their state laws are the laws of their religion. Either abolish sharai law or update it, but even the thought of updating any book in islam will lead you tobe killed over there, or in america. they will just label you a Kufar and ban you from the community...

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    because their state laws are the laws of their religion
    another reason why things may never change?

  6. #6
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    I am pleased you have decided to share your views with the community on this board, I will also add that you are correct in your opinion since it is just that, your opinion. However I will try my best to explain certain ideas that will be beneficial in your growth as a human, but more importantly in your obvious need for a peace of mind. None of this is an actual attack on you, so please read carefully and openly, as I have respected your request.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sting Chameleon View Post
    I'm a very tolerant man and I have nothing against the Muslims, in fact, many of them are wonderful people. Unfortunately their religion is one of intolerance, and there are fanatics who believe every word that is in the Qur'an. While there are fanatics of every religion, none of them are quite as dangerous as the Muslim fanatics. The Muslims that hate America and secular democracies are the enemy. We need to make it clear to the Muslims that America and the rest of the free world will NEVER adopt Islam or any other religion.
    You're defining yourself as a tolerant man, the very fundamental aspect of tolerance is acceptance. Not acceptance through passivity, but rather the acceptance that you are you because they are they. In essence, you are defining yourself against someone, without realizing that to know what someone IS, you must be it yourself. You are immediately creating a conflict, exposing this notion, "I am tolerant, and what I am going to say against these people is because they are not.". Rather than accepting that it is a polarity, just like the north and south of a magnet, you are immediately creating a fictional conflict.

    Also, you are defining Muslims by their religion, whilst also making the statement some are not part of it ("Many of them are wonderful people"). This would imply to me that you, regardless of whether the 'Muslim" man in front of you is kind, or different to what you would expect, you are still labeling him a Muslim. Thus, lumping him in with the other derogatory aspects you think many of these people inherit.

    In your first paragraph you introduce this idea of 'danger', and by comparison, you also introduce the idea of a danger hierarchy ("None of them are quite as dangerous as Muslim fanatics"). My belief is what you fear is the fact they are so in tune with their religion, that perhaps, by sheer force of numbers, your sacred America as you know it will dwindle. If this is the case, you are forgetting that to be able to define, and visualize your 'America', you are also assuming that the one you know will be very different if Islam is not stomped. The very basis of your argument is not only contradictory, but based on mindless assumptions.

    Your next point, to put it quite frankly, is precisely doing what you are advocating against. You plan on fighting fire with fire, without realizing that what you will do is simply burn the house you had to begin with. This notion you have of 'forcing beliefs onto others" is what we find in everyday society. In America, a child is forced to believe that he is free. He doesn't have the choice, he cannot complain that he feels like his freedom is a false one, because this is seeded within him from a young age. If you are saying what the Muslims *apparently do to other people is wrong, then you must also realize you too are wrong.

    Perhaps you are not familiar with the history of your country, your entire culture was built on the blood of slaves, imperialism and thievery. So when you turn around and claim that Islam isn't 'just a religion, it's a way of life'. I can disprove your theory by claiming that the American religion is murder. Would you care to prove me wrong? Murder and thievery is the very foundation of your country, just as you claim that Muslim fathers know nothing but stoning their daughters.

    You also state that if you choose to worship another religion you are a second class citizen in an Islamic country, and through personal experience and having lived, worked and visited in many Islamic countries I can say this is absolutely incorrect. I was accepted just as you would expect to be accepted. I had to accustom myself to a different way of life, but then again I would expect I would have to do the same thing in America.

    All in all, your arguments I'm afraid are a deep rooted part of your image, of what you believe defines you, and you do not yet realize that everything you have just said is in fact where you are going wrong.

    I did not elect America to be the world police. I therefore have no wish for them to take interests in Middle Eastern problems.
    I do not believe Muslim citizens should be expected to fight against people they have never met before, and nor should you.
    Last edited by Elijah; 18-09-2012 at 03:38 AM.




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