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Thread: Remember

  1. #1
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    Default Remember

    The Soldiers Prayer


    Do not stand at my grave and weep

    I am not there. I do not sleep.

    I am a thousand winds that blow

    I am the diamond glints on snow.

    I am the sunlight on ripened grain

    I am the gentle autumn rain.

    When you awaken in the morning's hush

    I am the swift uplifting rush

    of quiet birds in circled light

    I am the soft stars that shine at night.

    Do not stand at my grave and cry

    I am not there; I did not die.

    Thanks For Your Life

    They fight to live

    They fight to die

    To give us freedom

    From land to sky.

    They gave us a chance

    To rule on our own

    Now we live to show them

    How strongly we've grown.

    Thanks for your fight

    Thanks for your life

    We now live in Peace

    Day and night.

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow

    Between the crosses, row on row

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago

    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved and were loved, and now we lie

    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:

    To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

    In Flanders fields.


    Bob Marley and the Wailers

    Until the philosophy which hold one race

    Superior and another inferior

    Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned

    Everywhere is war, me say war

    That until there are no longer first class

    And second class citizens of any nation

    Until the colour of a man's skin

    Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes

    Me say war

    That until the basic human rights are equally

    Guaranteed to all, without regard to race

    Dis a war

    That until that day

    The dream of lasting peace, world citizenship

    Rule of international morality

    Will remain in but a fleeting illusion

    To be pursued, but never attained

    Now everywhere is war, war

    And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes

    That hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique,

    South Africa sub-human bondage

    Have been toppled, utterly destroyed

    Well, everywehre is war, me say war

    War in the east, war in the west

    War up north, war down south

    War, war, rumours of war

    And until that day, the African continent

    Will not know peace, we Africans will fight

    We find it necessary and we know we shall win

    As we are confident in the victory

    Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil

    Good over evil, good over evil, good over evil

    "Please wear a poppy," the lady said,

    And held one forth, but I shook my head,

    Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,

    And her face was old and lined with care;

    But beneath the scars the years had made

    There remained a smile that refused to fade.

    A boy came whistling down the street,

    Bouncing along on care-free feet.

    His smile was full of joy and fun,

    "Lady," said he, "may I have one?"

    When she'd pinned it on, he turned to say;

    "Why do we wear a poppy today?"

    The lady smiled in her wistful way

    And answered; "This is Remembrance Day.

    And the poppy there is a symbol for

    The gallant men who died in war.

    And because they did, you and I are free -

    That's why we wear a poppy, you see.

    I had a boy about your size,

    With golden hair and big blue eyes.

    He loved to play and jump and shout,

    Free as a bird, he would race about.

    As the years went by, he learned and grew,

    And became a man - as you will, too.

    He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile,

    But he'd seemed with us such a little while

    When war broke out and he went away.

    I still remember his face that day.

    When he smiled at me and said, 'Goodbye,

    I'll be back soon, Mum, please don't cry.'

    But the war went on and he had to stay,

    And all I could do was wait and pray.

    His letters told of the awful fight

    (I can see it still in my dreams at night),

    With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire,

    And the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire.

    Till at last, at last, the war was won -

    And that's why we wear a poppy, son."

    The small boy turned as if to go,

    Then said: "Thanks, lady, I'm glad to know.

    I slunk away in a sort of shame,

    And if you were me, you'd have done the same:

    For our thanks, in giving, if oft delayed,

    Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid!

    And so, when we see a poppy worn,

    Let us reflect on the burden borne

    By those who gave their very all

    When asked to answer their country's call

    That we at home in peace might live.

    Then wear a poppy! Remember - and Give!

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow

    Between the crosses, row on row

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago

    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved and were loved, and now we lie

    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:

    To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

    In Flanders fields

    God Bless The U.S.A. - Lee Greenwood

    If tomorrow all my things were gone,

    I’d worked for all my life.

    And I had to start again,

    just my children and my wife.

    I’d thank my lucky stars,

    to be livin here today.

    ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,

    and they can’t take that away.

    And I’m proud to be an American,

    where at least I know I’m free.

    And I wont forget the ones who died,

    who gave that right to me.

    And I gladly stand up,

    next to you and defend her still today.

    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,

    God bless the USA.

    From the lakes of Minnesota,

    to the hills of Tennessee.

    Across the plains of Texas,

    From sea to shining sea.

    From Detroit down to Houston,

    and New York to L.A.

    Well there's pride in every American heart,

    and its time we stand and say.

    That I’m proud to be an American,

    where at least I know I’m free.

    And I wont forget the ones who died,

    who gave that right to me.

    And I gladly stand up,

    next to you and defend her still today.

    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,

    God bless the USA.

    And I’m proud to be and American,

    where at least I know I’m free.

    And I wont forget the ones who died,

    who gave that right to me.

    And I gladly stand up,

    next to you and defend her still today.

    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,

    God bless the USA.

    Two years ago the war was waiting for me after school.

    To Belgium and to Flanders, to Germany to here

    I fought for King and country I love dear.

    'Twas Christmas in the trenches, where the frost so bitter hung,

    The frozen fields of France were still, no Christmas song was sung

    Our families back in England were toasting us that day

    Their brave and glorious lads so far away.

    I was lying with my messmate on the cold and rocky ground

    When across the lines of battle came a most peculiar sound

    Says I, ``Now listen up, me boys!'" each soldier strained to hear

    As one young German voice sang out so clear.

    ``He's singing bloody well, you know!'" my partner says to me

    Soon, one by one, each German voice joined in harmony

    The cannons rested silent, the gas clouds rolled no more

    As Christmas brought us respite from the war

    As soon as they were finished and a reverent pause was spent

    ``God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen'" struck up some lads from Kent

    The next they sang was ``Stille Nacht.'" ``Tis `Silent Night','" says I

    And in two tongues one song filled up that sky

    ``There's someone coming toward us!'" the front line sentry cried

    All sights were fixed on one long figure trudging from their side

    His truce flag, like a Christmas star, shown on that plain so bright

    As he, bravely, strode unarmed into the night

    Soon one by one on either side walked into No Man's Land

    With neither gun nor bayonet we met there hand to hand

    We shared some secret brandy and we wished each other well

    And in a flare-lit soccer game we gave 'em hell

    We traded chocolates, cigarettes, and photographs from home

    These sons and fathers far away from families of their own

    Young Sanders played his squeezebox and they had a violin

    This curious and unlikely band of men

    Soon daylight stole upon us and France was France once more

    With sad farewells we each prepared to settle back to war

    But the question haunted every heart that lived that wonderous night

    ``Whose family have I fixed within my sights?''

    'Twas Christmas in the trenches where the frost, so bitter hung

    The frozen fields of France were warmed as songs of peace were sung

    For the walls they'd kept between us to exact the work of war

    Had been crumbled and were gone forevermore.


    UK! should also remember those that died for us, especially all the young Americans and Canadians, the Australians that died through negligence of British leadership, also those Oz and NZ soldiers that stood by us against all the odds, they never let us down, and stayed to the end and never wavered, not ever once.

    Those dreadfull wars have bonded us all together for generations to come, and I hope for always.

    Love from the guys at #1 C/A

  2. #2
    Junior Chatterbox

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    No i dont remeber do you? hmmm!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newko
    No i dont remeber do you? hmmm!

    maybe if u had read it, it would all make sense why its could remember gay001

  4. #4
    Junior Member

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    the poems is really nice i like them ok001

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    is very nice

  6. #6
    Senior Chatterbox

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    Very sweet..

    :ohmy: Did I just say ^

  7. #7

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    good job who ever c/a is

  8. #8
    Senior Newbie

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    is nice

  9. #9
    Junior Member

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    how sweet.



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