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Thread: Advice Please

  1. #1
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    Default Advice Please

    I have been upset over the issue of my recent ex, I thought he cared for me but, I guess he doesn't and I have been really hurt. I wrote him a letter explaining how we should go back into being friends again and my reasons why. I wrote him a letter instead of being face to face with him because, he was hard to get a hold of after his phone got shut off. I didn't want to bug his uncle I left it alone after I called his uncle twice, on his cell his uncle seemed like there was nothing going on between my ex boyfriend and I... I can't get over him because of everything he said to me but, I learned in our relationship guys will say anything to get what they want! He didn't get any but now I am glad I know... But For a while I thought he was avoiding me so, we wouldn't go too far cause every time we were together we would loose control. He said he liked me too much to ruin a good thing. He also said we need to stick with the hugs and kisses thing but that never worked... I don't get why if he didn't care why we just can't be friends... I also kept wondering if he was having money problems and that was why he was avoiding me too. Because he was always saying how he was rich then all of a sudden saying he was poor. He was always talking about how spoiled I was gonna be on christmas and, how he said wait and see what I'm getting you for Christmas your gonna be spoiled. But I just got a cheap stuffed animal and, a cheap necklace that looks like a little girls necklace... I don't get it why would he be talking like that if he was having money problems??? Why can't he confront me about it??? Or did he not just really care??? He was talking about marriage with me and everything. But he was always making excuses not to come and, see me and he has had DUI'S but in the past he was recovering from alcohol he said he was going to AA meetings etc... So he won't get insurance on his car but yet, since how he has no insuarance on his car he can drive to his parents house, his friends house but not mine??? He said if he'd go into the city that he'd get arrested cause he had no insurance on his car... He's only been to my house a few times... He was always saying how when he got his bills payed off that, he was going to get an apartment for us to watch movies and stuff. Then he didn't call after Christmas I wondered if it was because, I got him more for him then he got me... Just to be clear I don't care about money!!! I just dunno what his deal is I am sooo confused and haven't been able to get over him! I dropped off the letter on the 8th of January and told him if he did care for me, he would call and work this out I said a lot of things about how I felt. He hasn't called at all since the 8th so I am assuming he got the letter... But I don't get it IF he didn't care why we can't be friends I mean we were friends before... Can anyone help me please!!! I will be very appreciative to the advice I get. Is he really having money problems or, is he cheating "which I also mentioned in my letter" or, is he just not interested in me anymore??? I can take the truth!!! I need to know what's up and what opinions I can get! I am sooo hurt and can't get over him but I am pretty sure he is seeing someone else that is putting out!!! And that hurts!!! I'm sorry I'm not very good with writing sad001 so I hope I am making sense...sad001

  2. #2
    V.I.P Member

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    WOW, ok... a few things come to mind here.

    One, maybe he did have money and now he has none for some reason. If he wanted to support you well and can't anymore then he might be so dissappointed in himself that he can't face you anymore and admit that.

    Secondly, some people will tell stories to make themselves more likeable. Im not trying to say he is a lier or anything, but if some people don't have much confidence then they tend to stretch the truth a whole lot cos they feel they have nothing else going for them.

    He did buy you something for Christmas so I have to think that if he had no money then he at least made an effort for you. He bought you 2 things and being that they were a soft toy and a necklace I would think that both prezzies are recognising your femininity and a closeness to you.

    Also, you may not know if he has had a big event happen in his life that he feels he can't share with you. I don't know how old you both are but if he's driving I'm thinking you both will be in your late teens. If he hasn't contacted you since January and it's now November then I gotta have an educated guess that he's either really stuck in a rutt or not coming back. Sorry. crying001

    The more you obsess about this, the more you will harm yourself. No one ever forgets their 1st love so bere that in mind as you progress. He will never forget you and you will never forget him. You have to learn to live again sweety for your own sake.

    There is no quick fix for a broken heart, maybe just be kind to yourself and get on with your life. You have been without him for 11 months now, maybe it's time to let the last thread go and make it on your own again.

    If he is doing what you think he might be doing then thats an even better reason to get back on your horse and don't look back.

    Good luck Thumbsup

  3. #3
    V.I.P Member

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    Default Re: Advice Please


    Glistening fangs and gleaming claws,
    Teeth that pierce and jaws like saws,
    Its blood red eyes that pierce the moon,
    My fate is awaiting it will be here soon.



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