Terms Of Use @ GoTeen.Net Teen Forums

Terms Of Use

Terms Of Use At GoTeen.Net

Your acceptance of these terms of use is indicated by you using the GoTeen.Net, whether you register or simply browse. You must read these terms of use carefully before using the Chat Forums.

If you are not registered you are not permitted to make threads/posts on our Chat Forums. If you wish to contribute to GoTeen.Net Teen Chat Forums & Message Boards you must Register.

As GoTeen.Net Teen Chat Forums is open to users worldwide, you may at some point run into legal issues in other jurisdictions over your threads/posts. If this happens you must and can not hold us responsible for your threads/posts/messages/comments/stats.

As GoTeen.Net users make threads/posts without intervention from us, it is the responsibility of every user to adhere to these terms of use. Despite this, in the interests of an effective community, we monitor threads/posts and reserve the right to remove material, which is in breach of the wording or spirit of these terms of use without notice to the poster. We also reserve the right, at our discretion, to ban users who breach these terms of use, and delete all threads/posts of those users.

Users should be aware that threads/posts are not screened by us, and that user posts only represent the opinions and experience of that user. Posts do not represent our opinion. You should be very careful before you rely on anything said in the Chat Forums. If you do rely on information or opinion in any posting you must be aware that this will not be our responsibility. This is especially important with help, advice, medical, health related threads/posts. Threads/posts may not be from medical professionals (even if the user purports to be a medical professional) so you should always seek competent professional advice. Please exercise common sense and make your own inquiries.

You must not make postings, which infringe the intellectual property rights of others. For instance users must not post copyrighted material or trademarks without the permission of the owner.

If you wish to share a useful Internet resource with other members of GoTeen.Net, you should provide a source link to the relevant resource. If you do this you need to be aware that many site webmasters do not permit people to link to pages below the home page of their site, so before posting a source link on the GoTeen.Net you should check the terms of use of that other web site to see if your link is permitted.

If you own intellectual property and it is being infringed through a user posting, please contact us as soon as possible. You can contact us Here and chose the correct subject eg: Infringement.

You license your copyright in threads/posts to GoTeen.Net. In general users own copyright in their posts/threads. From time to time we may use Our Chat Forums threads/posts in our publications (newsletters, web sites, other print, tv programs and any other media). Therefore you give us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use your posts/threads by reproducing, communicating, re-publishing, editing or otherwise exploiting your threads/posts as we see fit. You also give us a license to deal with your threads/posts as necessary to perform technical and administrative functions in running the our Teen Chat Forums (GoTeen.Net)

You grant us the right to sub-license your threads/posts (or edited or modified versions of your threads/posts) to others at our discretion. Once you have made a post or thread on GoTeen.Net Teen Boards, you consent to us dealing with it as we see fit. If you do not want your material to be used in this way you must not post it on the our Chat Forums.

If we do use your material we may attribute it to your registered username, but we are not required to. Also we may contact you to request that your real name be used. We will never publish your real name unless you have been contacted by us and you have given us your permission.

With respect to your moral rights in your threads and posts, you consent to your threads and posts being used, copied, published, transmitted, exhibited, performed, communicated or adapted as we see fit. We generally attribute authorship, but it is not always possible. You consent to us not attributing authorship to you at all, or only attributing it to your GoTeen.Net username (at our discretion). If we elect to attribute authorship we will make reasonable efforts to attribute authorship to you or your username, but if a mistake is made and authorship is falsely attributed, you consent to that false attribution in those circumstances.

Because users can automatically post to our Chat Forums, it may contain content, which is not appropriate for people under 13. If you are under the age of 13 you must seek your parents' permission before registering at our Chat Forums. If parents wish to control their children's access to inappropriate material they should consult cybersmart.gov.au. The site contains great and helpful tips for parents on facilitating a safe Internet experience for children. If you are concerned about the appropriateness of content posted on our Chat Forums, please refer the complaint to us. You can contact us Here and chose the correct subject eg: Complaint.

By registering at GoTeen.Net Teen Forums, submitting threads or posts, or emailing us, you will be giving us "personal information". We collect this information so that we can administer our community, send you a password, confirmation link, help you use the Chat Forums, contact you about posts or threads, forum news and keep in touch with you. We will not be able to register you unless you provide a user name and email address. These terms of use set out how we might use your contact details and posts and threads. We at (GoTeen.Net) "WILL NOT" "EVER" give out your personal information to anyone, it would be illegal to do so. We are a trusted and professionally maintained Community with the Best of Webmasters. The last thing we need is bad reps. So PLEASE, have full faith in us.

Please, if you have any Questions/comments/concerns regarding this statement, please use the Contact Us Form.

We at (GoTeen.Net) have the right to change these terms of use at any time. So you should check them regularly. We may contact you to inform you of these changes but are not required to.

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