Like posting most stuff on the internet, I feel like a total loser right now so I'll try to get this over with quickly.

Well, the thing is I don't have any friends. I sorta hang out with people at school in class, but I just sit around on the weekends and at lunchtime and stuff.

I don't know what it is, I'm not that bad looking, I think I'm interesting if a bit quiet, I keep secrets, I like helping people and I'm not really weird or different in any way other than the fact I like reading.

so why doesn't anyone like me, is it lack of effort on my part?

I can't really go up to someone and talk to them about anything because I don't know anybody well enough to do that.

so.. what should I do? Just continue on by myself, being laughed at and stuff?

It'd be cool if someone replied to this,
