A few big things in my family:

-Is that both of my parents drink and smoke.

-My mom has probably 2 types of cancer, plus rheumatoid arthritis. She doesn't have insurance.

-My dad has very high blood pressure, close to killing him. And i was right saying that drinking causes it. But he won't stop drinking.

-One of my brothers is bi polar. He is in the marine's too.

-My doctor(Whom i haven't been to over a year) believe that i'm bi polar also, and maybe even depressed.

-Then my other brother is fine, and my sister is fine.

-My parents fight continuously, about random things that don't make any sense to fight about. A few minutes ago it was about not getting milk- for my mom's alcohol drinks "White Russians"

-My parents won't get divorced(even though they need to) or go to marriage counseling because it's so expensive.

-We're poor. We've had financial issues since I was 6. We barley even have food in the house anymore, explains why I don't eat.

Random Facts:

-I've been cussed infront of since i was 3.

-When I was 4 and my brother had to call the cops because of my parents being to drunk, I swore never to drink or smoke. And i'm keeping that vow.

-My dad has ruined my life, and i've told him that, but i'm glad i'm where i am.

-One time when my dad came home driving drunk, we had to bring him to the hospital. His alcohol level was something like a 2.0. I was 8. The next day i told my dad "dad i'm ****ing tired of you ruining my life"

-I absolutely dislike my dad. My mom knows that, and i'm not sure if my dad knows.

-Me and my mom make fun of my dad a lot.

-I make my mom drinks alot by force. Ever since i was 9.

Nothings wrong with me like you would expect. I have A's and B's, and smartest in my language arts and math class. I play the french horn, first chair. I don't with drawl my self from my peers. I don't drink or smoke(obviously from my statement above). I don't do drugs. I cry a lot and i trust people to easily(explains why i'm here, im trusting you guys with this). I don't eat that often, mostly because of financial issues and we don't have money for food. Mostly cause all the money goes to my parents" cigarettes and alcohol and bills. I hope to become an author, i write every day. None of my family members, except my sister has gone to college. My sister went because she lived with my grandparents. I want to go to college but I wont be able to with out a scholarship because we can't afford it.

Um, i don't really know what else to say. i really just said it to get it off my chest because i wanted to tell someone. yeah, i trust people to easily but i dont tell anyone that personal stuff. sorry.