Decided that what some other members were doing - having one thread for all their poetry - would be a good idea. Most of my poems are written as lyrics. They often have the verse/chorus/bridge format, and there's always rhyme and rhythm to them. Sometimes I write stories/descriptive passages or essay type things, and if they're good enough I might post them here as well.

Oh, and comments are much appreciated.

I'll start off with one of my simplest, but also one of my best.

It's called "The Escape".

I leave the light on

And I leave myself

The figure in front

Must be some one else

Anyone else

I am paralysed

The world also seems to be

From all I've analysed

From all I've seen

The good things in life

Are but a dream

I feel the sting

Familiar sensation

It's calm, comforting

A sign of desperation

Pain ridden desperation

A slight sense of guilt

Accomanies it

Destroying all I've built

Stupid bull shit

Stupid shit

Worthless bull shit

Same old shit

And it's just about to

Start and finish
