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  1. #1
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    Default I can't cope with my family

    Thanks for taking the time out to read this topic.

    I'll give you a little bit of background information. I am fourteen years old, and I live with my mother and little brother, who are fifty and ten, respectively. My little brother has Aspergers. My father isn't in the picture because he died a few years ago. Now, on to my predicament.

    My little brother is a spoiled rat. In his bedroom, he has a 48" flat screen TV, an Xbox360, a PlayStation3, Sky+ HD, a top of the range Alienware computer, and typical bedroom furniture. Mine contains an eight year old computer, a bed, and a wardrobe.

    I get £40 a month from my paper route, and my mother forces me to give half of that to my little brother, and she gives him £20 a month on top of that.

    I have to clean every room of the house, which isn't easy considering we have two long haired German Shepherds and four Persian cats, clean the car inside and out, groom the animals, and pay for anything my little brother wants. What does he do? Watch TV. That's it.

    When I present this argument to my mother, her excuse to me doing everything, and him doing nothing and getting more for it, is that I'm older and he has Aspergers. This hardly seems fair. It's a very minor case of Aspergers, he functions like an average person.

    My question to you is how can I deal with this? I have my exams coming up this year, and I'm left with very little free time, which has to be used for revision. Please, can you help me?

  2. #2
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    fourteen years old? and you have to do all that, what a complete joke. £40 a month WTF! thats your hard earned money and at fourteen, know one but you has a right to the money.
    it sounds like you do just about everything, what does your mum do? work or something? cook tea?
    can you remember back what you did around the house when you were ten years old ???
    i really think your mum should cut your jobs around the house down, and your mum im sure should understand that exams comes first before anything.
    can you say to your mum, everything your doing is effecting your school work, making you tied at school? hard to concentrate, and let her know you may fail because of this.
    doesn't hurt to stretch the truth once now and then.
    whos dogs and cats? who ever owns them should wash'em or at least take turns.
    i think your brother is old enough to at least do something around the house, i know for a fact on the farm when i was 7 and 8 years old i had to work, altho i did get paid for it.
    i'd ask your mum for some cash for doing all this work around the house!
    at fourteen years old, the only thing you should be doing is, 1.doing your paper route, 2.going to school, 3.after school a few hours break then some homework maybe after helping with tea/dinner. time for a bit then bed i guess. maybe the weekends you could help out?
    to bad if you played a sport to, you would be ran off your feet.

    after reading again, "Aspergers" is a form of autism? but a mild case? barely noticed?

    but hey, mum makes the rules, i cant change your mums mind as you know. but mate, maybe let her know its to much, can you cut down at least a bit or half just while the exams are coming up, i would use school for an excuse as atm its the most important thing in life for you at 14. but really, if nothing changes, in all honesty, you should be getting an allowance. at 14 yes, you should help out, but thats far to much for you to take on.
    good luck and sorry about your dad. cheers.
    Last edited by BoYkA; 04-09-2011 at 11:40 AM.

  3. #3
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    and parents wonder why teens move out at an early stage
    It is impossible for any severed individual to experience pain
    Pleasure, memory, dream or thought of any kind
    This young man will be as unfeeling as unthinking as the dead
    Until the day joins them

    I don't know weather I'm alive or dreaming or dead or remembering
    How can you tell what's a dream and what's real
    When you can't even tell when your awake and when your asleep
    Where am I?




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