I've been seeing several of the topics here about the same issues. Although every individual has different experiances with these topics and needs individual support, I wanted to offer my general advice on a few things.

Anorexia & Bulemia: Eating disorders are so commonly misconceived by society and by even those who have them. They are as much of an obsession for the person as much as drugs could be. Eating disorders are not only physically detrimental, they are also psychological disorders. If you're anorexic or bulemic you need to take the anitative to do something to stop - it will be the hardest and most important thing you could ever do for yourself. Tell someone you trust; not out of just confidence they will keep it a secret, but out of the want for them to help you. You have to be willing to face some new situations in order to be helped though. Talk with a therapist or professional in the field of psychology, it sounds cheesy, but it will help you, if you really want to get better. Eating disorders will never just go away on their own, they will kill you first.

Cutting/Self Mutilation: Cutting is such a scary subject for most people, which I believe is why it is still not taken seriously by society or by a person's peers. If you cut yourself you do have a very serious problem and need to talk with someone about it. You need to realize that by trying to release emotional pains and anxieties via physcial harm to yourself only causes you more problems. I know that in the moment you can feel and see the blood flowing from your own flesh the feeling of relief can seem so filling, but it will eventually go away; making later make you feel hopeless, guilty, and empty again later. There are better ways to live and better ways to express negative emotions than destroying your own body.

Depression: Depression is a rather vague issue - but an important one none the less. Depression is often the 'gateway drug" to more harmful problems. It is important you take time to find out what is causing you this intense pain and sadness, and then remedy it. It might seem like you cannot escape it - things like parential/family issues for example. If that is the situation you have to change your perception. You life might be hell, but you're alive and that is really, REALLY, something you need to consider - Life. Don't look at now or tomorrow or even a year - look at 5 years or 25 years. Your life could be completely different; within that there can be found hope, should you choose to seek it. Talk with someone close to you about all your thoughts, being heard can help so much.

Over Weight: If you're over weight there are literally hundreds of things out there you can do to get better. Being over weight is less than 5% of the time genetic. When it is genetic you look very different from the 'typical" fat person as well - telling yourself it is genetics is fooling yourself. Fighting your weight and winning cannot be done in a short period of time. Being over weight is as much as self-esteem and psychological hazard as it is a physical one. You need to have confidence and find determination to combat it. Talk with your physician about specific foods that could help boost your metabolism, excersize more, and most importantly cut down your meal proportions. Proportions are the number one difference between why one person is over weight and another is not. Don't nessicarily eat fewer meals, but eat smaller ones at earlier times. The earlier you eat the more chance you have to burn off the calories over the course of the day. Drink water too, it helps you clean your system and will give you more energy - forming healthy sleeping patterns will also be of help. Know that muscle weighs more than fat, so don't depend on a scale and always keep trying.

Suicide: You need to talk to someone - that's just all there is to it. Talk to a friend or even a stranger and just download your problems onto them. Don't be concerned with pride or judgement, let them know how serious you are about the idea of taking your own life and they will listen with nothing but an open heart if they are deserving of your time. As I said for those with depression, it can apply here as well, "You life might be hell, but you're alive and that is really, REALLY something you need to consider - Life. Don't look at now or tomorrow or even a year - look at 5 years or 25 years. Your life could be completely different, within that there can be found hope, should you choose to seek it. Talk with someone close to you about all your thoughts, being heard can help so much."

My own experiances with all of these I'd like to not be judged by, so I will not explain them here. My words have been out of experiance and knowledgeablity. I am very concerned for each person I see here, or anywhere, that suffers from one of these problems and I hope my words have shown you that there are those in the world who care about you - even people you may never meet or have never spoken with.